Am I drinking too much?
December 19, 2020
April 9, 2021

Acquiring a liquor license is acquiring a huge responsibility. As such the requirements and vetting process reflects the need to award such responsibility to someone capable of executing its use responsibly.

What do you need?

According to the liquor licensing board as of 16.12.2020 one would need the following.

  • A letter of approval from your local authority
  • A letter from local environmental health officer approving the premises
  • Proof of citizenship for both applicant and manager
  • Approved plans
  • Lease, title deed or proof of right of occupation on said premises
  • Police report of applicant on the required forms
  • Tie affidavit
  • Vetted fingerprints
  • Proof of publication in local paper and government gazette
  • Application fee and receipt

Liquor Traders Association offers license consultancy as a fund-raising initiative to further our efforts to spread awareness. Apply for your license with our help today and become a member!